Sunday, February 20, 2011

EPISODE 7: Guests Galore! Interview with K-Mart Gaming Social Media Manager and more

Jesse Interviews Daniel Honigman (@KMartGamer) from K-Mart gamer. It's a very thoughtful discussion about consumer interaction, retailer honesty, customer feedback, and more. (interview starts at the 42 minute mark)

guest hosts: married couple Uncle Jesse & Jenn join to chat about games they've been playing

game talk: The Misadventures of P.B. Winterbottom, Assassin's Creed, Prince of Persia, Batman: Arkham Asylum, Red Dead Redemption, Dog the Bounty Hunter?

featuring music from Red Dead Redemption by Bill Elm, Woody Jackson, and Ashtar Command

Download Episode 7 here
or on iTunes

The Misadventures of P.B. Winterbottom (XBL)
Interview with KMart Gamer Social Media
Red Dead Redemption OST

1 comment:

Daniel Honigman said...

Thanks for having me on, Jesse. Was a pleasure to finally talk to you in person, so to speak, after all of that back-and-forth via e-mail and on Twitter!

More than happy to make another appearance. Just say the word!